How To Do Mail Bombing

In internet terminology “mail bombing” is referred to an act of sending or forwarding huge amounts of email to a particular person’s mailbox or system. By mail bombing somebody’s mail box, you can actually fill up or overflow or overwhelm the recipient’s mailbox space. It can create great inconvenience to the recipient and cause the recipient’s server to have technical faults such as stop functioning, becoming slow, etc. Many people are of the opinion that mail bombing somebody’s mail box is an unethical behavior and the sender should be hung, quartered and disembowelled.

Having said that, something that is seemingly bad may not necessary be so if used correctly at the right place and the right time. If you know the mail bombing skill, the skill will help you when you are required to send huge amount of email to a particular person. Take this scenario, for instance: if you have quarreled with your girl friend and she insists you write 100 apology letters to her, then you will find this skill extremely useful.
There is a small trick here that tells you how to send out an enormous amount of email to a particular person. It is free and quite easy to use. However, this trick is only workable if you use Yahoo Email Service. We have tested it with Gmail and it is not workable. To initiate this trick, of course you need to register as a user with Yahoo Mail. Login to Yahoo Mail and click “Compose” to write a new email message.
In the “To” field of the new email message, type in the email address of your target recipient. In this case, we use Copy the same email and paste ten times or MORE (as required). Make sure each address is separated by a comma.
For instance:
Subsequently, you need to capitalize one letter or a few letters in each email address. You must capitalize different letters or group of letters so that no two addresses are the same.
If you send this email out, your target recipient will receive 10 emails from you. As mentioned earlier, this trick is only workable by using Yahoo Mail Service. If you use Gmail Service and duplicate the same, then the recipient will only receive one email and not 10 emails.
If you want to make more email, what you need to do is select the 10 email addresses which you have capitalized and then paste them to another new email. If you duplicate the same process 10 times, the recipient will receive 100 similar emails from you.
This knowledge is not meant for rampant bombing of your friends or colleagues’ mail box. Your Yahoo Account will be terminated if your recipient makes a complaint to Yahoo!
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